Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Honorable Mention -Woohoo!

The highlight of last week was receiving an Honorable mention from Nathan Bransford's blog contest. Woohoo! I have printed it out and plan to look at it when the rejections start pouring in for my novel. =)

As for the other querys, I have joined Querytracker. I have searched their database for agents looking at young adult proposals which turned up quite a number of hits. I then went through and narrowed down the list by looking at their statistics. Wow! There are so many proposals that are rejected!!! Sure, I've seen the numbers that agents have given from this past year but it is interesting to see the figures that are reported through the Querytracker service as well. As a result of what is listed in their statistics, I have unselected (at least temporarily) the agents that did not appear to request partial or full manuscripts in the young adult field.

So, now I need to get up the courage to submit my work to those people. It is a bit scarey to turn over something that I've spent so much time on to professionals that might not think it is worth the while to read. I guess I am following the path of many people before me. Yikes!!!

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